
On this page, one can find many resources on the topic of Buddhism. The articles below summarize Buddhist beliefs, history, festivals, and ancient practices, including foot binding. The sources also bring light to persecution towards Buddhists in China, Vietnam, and Sri Lanka. Refer to this page to deepen one’s understanding of Buddhist experiences and to gain more knowledge of a minority religion in the U.S.


“Buddhists” from Pew Research Center includes data on the international Buddhist population.

Modern Conflict

The New York Times addresses a Buddhist modern conflict in this article, “Buddhist Go To Battle: When Nationalism Overrides Pacifism.”

“The darker side of Buddhism” from BBC examines accusations of Buddhist violence in Sri Lanka-.

History and Beliefs

The Buddhist Centre addresses the Buddha, teachings, practice, and festivals in “what is buddhism?”

“Basics of Buddhism” from PBS details Siddharta Gautama, the Four Noble Truths, karma, and the cycle of rebirth.

“Jailing Muslims, burning Bibles, and forcing monks to wave the national flag: How Xi Jinping is attacking religion in China” released by Business Insider.


In this article, The Diplomat presents “What’s Up With Buddhist Persecution in Vietnam?”